Organisational Strategy Development

The development of an Organisational Strategy brings all the resources of the Business into focus, and directed at a winning achievement. This should be a multi-faceted achievement that has the unqualified buy-in of all participants. Each area of the business needs to understand how they contribute towards this over-arching goal.

NEDLAND Consulting assists Organisations to develop their Vision, Mission , and Values which speak to a holistic outcome. The following areas form the core of our Organisational Strategy Development initiatives:

  • who are we
  • what do we create and produce
  • who are our customers
  • what will we achieve and deliver to our customers
  • what gaps exist in the market
  • what products and services are we able to bring to market to fill those gaps
  • what is our brand definition, positioning and value
  • what strategies will enable us to bring our products and services to market
  • what is our Vision, Mission and Values
  • what are our core competencies
  • what strategies will create and produce our products and services
  • what resources are required to bring these products and services to market
  • how do we acquire and retain the resources which will realise our strategies
  • what business partnerships do we need to establish to go to market effectively
  • what legal and statutory considerations do we need to comply with
  • what policies, procedures, organisational structures, roles & responsibilities, systems & supporting structures and key performance indicators are required to measure and manage our execution
  • what do we mean to our customers
  • why will our customers choose us, all the time
  • who are our competitors, and how do they come to market
  • what do we need to have in place to remain market leaders
  • how do we become, and remain, the employer of choice
  • what can we do to improve the lives of our employees and the communities within which we operate
  • what are the new developments in the Industry in which we operate
  • how do we become a global brand
  • what is the value of our brand
  • what is our continuous improvement strategy.